Benefits & services
As a member of our alumni community you qualify for some special benefits, including access to the University's online and on campus library resources, and discounts at local hotels.
Online journals and library services
Alumni can access a number of services through the University's libraries.
Careers support
From help writing your CV to networking with 1,000s alumni worldwide via our online platform, Liverpool Connect.
Travel and accommodation offers
Coming back to the city for a reunion or booking accommodation for family at Graduation?
Study discounts
As a graduate, you are entitled to a number of discounts on further study; from short courses, to postgraduate.
Alumni community discounts
Alumni within can now benefit from discounts and offers provided by their fellow Liverpool graduates.
Alumni Union
Take advantage of exclusive discounts on insurance, financial services and travel, thanks to our partner Alumni Union.
University Sports Centre Membership
Our alumni qualify for special rates on sports and fitness centre membership.
Transcript and certificate requests
Find out how to order replacement or duplicate transcripts and certificates online.
Alumni Guild membership
For a one-off payment of £25, you can get student-priced gig tckets at the Guild for life.